Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hate Against Hate

Hate Against Hate
Imran Khan - 7/28/2006
Many agree that the killing of eight Israeli soldiers and the capturing of two others was an unprovoked act of war by Hezbollah. But many should also agree that in retaliation, the killing of dozens of innocent civilians in Lebanon by Israel is worse than that action. Eighty Palestinians have lost their lives since Israeli tropes entered Gaza after 1 Israeli soldier was kidnapped there. Israeli soldiers can enter any time Palestinian territory and capture anyone. If abduction of its soldiers is an illegal move, than why did Israel capture hundreds of Palestinians without charges? Retaliatory actions against each other are not new in the Middle East and the problems are rooted back to more than 50 years.

Israel is a major power in the Middle East and the problem doesn't lie in the existence of Israel, but it lies in the philosophy/ideology of Israel 's tactics. From day one of its creation, Israel used force as the basic instrument to rule. Usually victims are innocent civilians. Israel virtually controls everything of the Palestinians and it never hesitated in using the basic necessities of life as a threat to make the Philistines comply with its demands. This attitude made things worst there. Was Israel created for the short-term or do they really want to live in the Middle East for a long, long time. But how long can anyone live with its neighbors by forcing them? Power is not something which will remain forever. In the past, the Romans had the power to control things in the world. Persians had a lot of power in their time. The world saw the power of Muslims hundreds of years ago, and then the rise of Great Briton and France. Until 1990, the Soviet Union was considered a superpower along with the USA. So it is quite possible that Israel will not have power forever, and its neighbors become powerful. What would be the situation then?

It is quite understandable that in every society around the world there would be a few extreme elements. But the majority will never be like that. Every human wants to live a good life with dignity. But if people lead a miserable life and nothing are going in their favor than this will lead them towards extremism. Unfortunately Israel's continued pressing actions have made people to think extremely.

For any person his life is the most precious thing. If to secure our lives we have to give up all our possessions, we will do this because life comes first. But how can someone become a suicide bomber by knowing that he will lose his life by himself. It comes with the belief that the conditions he is living are intolerable. Why is it that predominantly Palestinians and Iraqis become suicide bombers? We just need to analyze their living conditions and this question would not be very difficult to answer. The hate produced more hate.

One thing which is quite astonishing that the government in Lebanon is considered to be "pro American". Still, Israel is trying to destroy its infrastructure and economy, creating huge difficulties for commoners. A common person may not be an "anti-Israeli" but if these actions would made his life difficult than he would be. What would be the outcome? Now Hezbollah has 20% of the seats in the Lebanon Parliament but in the next elections in Lebanon, we could see a government of Hezbollah because the wide-spread hate of the people against Israel. Will it suit Israel? Until now, Israel is facing suicide bombers from Palestine only; but now -- with the actions against civilians in Lebanon -- the violence could also lead the Lebanese on the same path. For example, in response to the IRA bombings of the past, did England ever try to block Ireland . Recall the Kurds bombing incidents. Did Turkey punish all Kurds? No. But these countries tackled the issues with wisdom and respect for the civilian rights. Now the situation is improved in these countries. If the governments of these countries would have used force or power to punish everyone, the situation would have been the same as it is now in the Middle East. Israel can learn many things from history and can make situation better for themselves and for others.

Preside George W. Bush has said that Usama bin Laden and Al-Qaeeda is a group of terrorists who killed our innocent people so we will kill them. And the same has been said by Usama that America is a terrorist nation because it killed our innocent people so they will continue their actions. Israel claims Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations, while Hamas and Hezbollah considers Israel as terrorist country. Who is wrong and who is right? These problems are quite difficult to solve but they can be solved if everyone starts respecting each other and works for justice for all. By calling each other "terrorists" there can be no solution. If Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and others wants to remain in the Middle East, then they all need to sit down to end their differences. They have no other choice but to live together in peace. Otherwise, if they continue fighting each other, there will only be land left after the fighting ends. But land alone does not make a country; rather, people do.

Note: I call this a Marsian look at Earth. just try to immagine for a second.(Joseph)


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